Pin Fel Symbol

4,9/5 34 voti Leggi 17 recensioni

Descrizione di Pin Fel Symbol

The pin with the effigy of the feudal party.

Fel pin

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Voti e Recensioni di Pin Fel Symbol

on  16 Feb. 2024

The customer has rated the product but has not posted a review, or the review is pending moderation

on  03 Jan. 2024

The customer has rated the product but has not posted a review, or the review is pending moderation

on  14 July 2023

The customer has rated the product but has not posted a review, or the review is pending moderation

on  02 July 2023

The customer has rated the product but has not posted a review, or the review is pending moderation

on  23 May 2023

The customer has rated the product but has not posted a review, or the review is pending moderation

on  16 Feb. 2024

The customer has rated the product but has not posted a review, or the review is pending moderation

on  03 Jan. 2024

The customer has rated the product but has not posted a review, or the review is pending moderation

on  14 July 2023

The customer has rated the product but has not posted a review, or the review is pending moderation

on  02 July 2023

The customer has rated the product but has not posted a review, or the review is pending moderation

on  23 May 2023

The customer has rated the product but has not posted a review, or the review is pending moderation

on  10 May 2023

The customer has rated the product but has not posted a review, or the review is pending moderation

on  20 Apr. 2023
"Bella spilla"


on  04 Apr. 2023
"Ottima insignia"

Insignia perfetta pe' li tempi moderni

on  19 Dec. 2022
"Spilliamoci di spille "

Con orgoglio sempre esposta.

on  12 Sept. 2022

Per chi non ha dubbi sulle prossime elezioni.

on  26 May 2022
"Bellissima e feudale"

Ora potrai mostrare a tutti il tuo amore per lo imperatore!!!

on  02 March 2022


on  14 Feb. 2022
"Viva lo imperatore!"

Ora et labora

on  08 Feb. 2022

The customer has rated the product but has not posted a review, or the review is pending moderation

on  17 Dec. 2021
"Gloria allo Magno Imperatore"

Cum codesta spilla mostrerò lo potere dello Imperatore et la fortitudo dello feudalesimo.

on  07 Dec. 2021

The customer has rated the product but has not posted a review, or the review is pending moderation

on  21 Sept. 2021
"In attesa de lo omonimo partito..."

Il progresso non ci sollazza. Che il progresso sia uno doveroso regredire!

on  01 Sept. 2021
"Per sempre dalla parte dello Imperatore "

Per sempre dalla parte dello Imperatore

on  24 Aug. 2021

The customer has rated the product but has not posted a review, or the review is pending moderation

on  31 July 2021

The customer has rated the product but has not posted a review, or the review is pending moderation

on  09 July 2021


on  18 May 2021
"Para lo fedel volgo"

Necessario para mostrarsi e riconoscersi tra sodali

on  22 March 2021

The customer has rated the product but has not posted a review, or the review is pending moderation

on  15 March 2021

The customer has rated the product but has not posted a review, or the review is pending moderation

on  10 March 2021

The customer has rated the product but has not posted a review, or the review is pending moderation

on  24 Dec. 2020

The customer has rated the product but has not posted a review, or the review is pending moderation

on  07 Dec. 2020

The customer has rated the product but has not posted a review, or the review is pending moderation

on  15 Nov. 2020

Messa subito nella mia borsetta da uomo fa la sua bellissima figura.
Ottimo anche l'attacco con spilla così non si apre.

on  07 Sept. 2020

The customer has rated the product but has not posted a review, or the review is pending moderation

on  20 Aug. 2020

The customer has rated the product but has not posted a review, or the review is pending moderation

on  19 July 2020

Nessun commento

on  19 May 2020

Nessun commento

on  28 Nov. 2019
"Feudale sunt!"

Por dimostrar la fedeltà allo Imperatore, in ogni die et ogni loco.

on  05 Sept. 2019

Nessun commento

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